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Foods To Avoid After Whitening Your Teeth

September 29, 2023
Foods To Avoid After Whitening Your Teeth

Feeling good about your smile is so important. This is why when it is looking a little lackluster, it is not uncommon for patients to invest in a professional teeth whitening treatment. After all, it is the only way to get your teeth many shades lighter in just one short visit. 


Knowing what to do after whitening your teeth - especially what foods to avoid - will play a role in just how long you get to enjoy your results. 

What Causes Teeth to Stain? 

There are many different reasons why teeth stain. Some are the result of a patient's own choices and others are the result of things outside of their control. Let’s look at a few.

  • Dark or brightly colored food and beverages, such as coffee, tea, red wine, berries, etc.
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Aging
  • Genetics
  • Certain medical conditions/diseases and medications
  • Dental trauma


Keep in mind that there are different types of staining that occur within teeth. Some stains are very responsive to whitening treatments, such as the discoloration that comes from drinking too much coffee. Other stains, such as the dark spots from decay inside a tooth will not change at all. 

What Foods Should You Avoid After Whitening? 

As soon as you complete your teeth whitening treatment, you will want to implement a few changes to the foods and beverages you are willing to consume — assuming you’d like to keep your stellar results. 


Those that should be knocked off the menu include:

  • Dark-colored and/or acidic beverages. Do not consume beverages like soda, tea, coffee, red wine, fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, and more.
  • Sweet, sugary foods. Bacteria are highly attracted to sugar. Eating too many sweet treats can lead to staining — some you may eventually not be able to remove. 
  • Colorful foods. Whether naturally colorful or through the use of dyes, brightly-colored foods should be avoided, such as beets, berries, ketchup, chocolate, curry hot sauce, and more.   


Not sure if a food or beverage could stain your teeth? Ask yourself what would happen if you poured it onto a white shirt. Would it stain? If so, avoid it. 

How to Care for Teeth After Whitening

If you have put forth the time and money for a professional teeth whitening treatment, then there is a good chance you would like to enjoy the results for as long as possible. To do so, you will need to learn how to properly care for them. 


Brush your teeth two to three times per day. The less time you allow staining debris to remain on your teeth, the better. Brushing after eating is ideal, but when you are unable to do so, make the effort to rinse with water after eating to keep your teeth looking their very best. 


Flossing daily is important, too. 


Finally, be sure to have routine professional cleanings with your dentist every 6 months. Discuss if there is an at-home option for professional whitening that you can do in the interim if your teeth need an extra boost. 

Teeth Whitening Treatments at Schaus Dental Studio

At Schaus Dental Studio, we understand that our patients will smile more and feel more confident in life after having a teeth whitening treatment. And, for convenience, we offer both in-office and at-home teeth whitening options. 

To learn more or to get started, contact us today at 763-525-0306. Or, request an appointment online.

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